Jan 31, 2024
PETA Latino has kept the pressure on Miami Seaquarium ever since the death of Lolita the Orca last year. Now Miami-Dade County officials want the park shutdown for its pattern of animal abuse and new violations from the USDA citing the Animal Welfare Act. PETA Latino's Alicia Aguayo talks to PETA Podcast host,...
Jan 24, 2024
Poorva Joshipura, Sr. VP of International Affairs for PETA Foundation UK, has authored her second book, "Survival at Stake." It's about how too often we forget that our lives are intertwined with all other animals and how unless we change our ways and treat animals more kindly or even go vegan, our survival as a species...
Jan 17, 2024
Bears are killed in Canada then shipped to the UK to be used as ceremonial caps for Buckingham Palace guards, a PETA investigation found. One bear, one cap, one needless atrocity. Join the movement to end the wearable trophy hunt, go to PETA.org and urge the Ministry of Defense to use faux bear fur.
Emil Guillermo...
Jan 10, 2024
Watch "The Failed Experiment," a new documentary executive produced by Bill Maher. Kathy Guillermo, PETA Sr.VP on Laboratory Investigations, says too many people don't understand what animal experimentation is all about. Catch up quickly. Listen to the podcast and then watch the documentary to find out how animals...
Jan 3, 2024
Animal hoarding? "It's a crisis," says Henry Brzezinski, El Dorado County Animal Services chief in Northern California. Brzezinski has spent over 35 years fighting for animal welfare from South Carolina to California and knows about hoarding all too well. He defines the problem and profiles the typical hoarder. He...