Jun 26, 2024
"Breaking The Chain," a documentary executive produced by Anjelica Huston, shows PETA's Community Animal Project in action, saving animals in the Norfolk, Virginia, area.
But chief among their concern is the number of chained dogs in the area. Many are abused, malnourished, and tethered mercilessly to a chain in all...
Jun 19, 2024
Your sunscreen may be cruelty-free now, but for how long? The FDA may require more tests on a product deemed safe for years. Why the sudden change? Jeffrey Brown, science advisor to PETA/UK, talks to Emil Guillermo about the FDA's cryptic communications that threaten tens of thousands of animal lives.
The PETA...
Jun 12, 2024
Ozempic? Wegovy? Why not try Power Foods? It's cheaper, safer, and works. Dr. Neal Barnard talks about his new book with Emil Guillermo on how you can let the foods you eat do the heavy lifting in your weight loss fight. It's all in "The Power Foods Diet," now available wherever books are sold.
The PETA Podcast
Jun 5, 2024
The question is whether horse racing can avoid horse injuries and death on the day of the Belmont, the third leg of the Triple Crown--especially after a deadly year in 2023. Kathy Guillermo, PETA Sr.VP, is the one in charge of the Equine Matters Department. She talks about why racing is cruel and often fatal.
For more...