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Jan 31, 2020

In a gentle and moving one-minute ad, PETA merged animal rights and human rights with the fight to end speciesism. It had hoped to place the ad during Fox's Super Bowl broadcasts. But a source told PETA that FOX and the ad company were pressured to dump the spot.

PETA's Sr. VP of Communications Lisa Lange says the NFL...

Jan 29, 2020

A special look at the news of a busy SuperBowl week. A simple solution that may have prevented the spread of the Coronavirus: Veganism; And a special face mask from PETA.: A  terrible vivisection case involving mice and Gray-hair; and how to have a super Groundhog Day--by not exploiting the groundhog on his day.  Kathy...

Jan 22, 2020

In a conversation from the Philippines, Jason Baker, PETA Sr. VP for PETA-Asia, talks to Emil Guillermo about the effort to save hundreds of animals abandoned after the Taal Volcano, 60 miles south of Manila, erupted on Jan. 12. The Philippine government currently has no plans to help the animals. Since the...

Jan 15, 2020

Ingrid Newkirk, PETA president talks with Emil Guillermo about "Animalkind," her new book written with Gene Stone. Newkirk talks about what "animalkind" means and how we need to understand that humans are animals too, and not necessarily superior to other species. 

Buy "Animalkind" wherever books are sold.

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Jan 8, 2020

Dr. Neal Barnard, author of "Your Body in Balance" talks to Emil Guillermo about how a low fat vegan diet can be helpful in dealing with everything from menstrual cramps, menopause, thyroid problems, diabetes, some cancers and even anxiety and depression. Dr. Barnard says the medical community is now looking at food as...