Sep 29, 2021
PETA is fighting NIH to modernize science in America with protests and lawsuits. Last week, demonstrators paid a visit to an experimenter's neighborhood in the DC area. In court, PETA filed two lawsuits against NIH one on First Amendment grounds for blocking key words on Facebook and Instagram. Another suit alleges NIH...
Sep 22, 2021
PETA Sr. VP Christina Matthies talks to Emil Guillermo about birds, especially the domesticated ones. Most human companions aren't as knowledgeable about birds. It means the situation devolves to the point a bird rescue is needed. How best to avoid a bird rescue? Don't turn to birds to be your companion animals. Let the...
Sep 15, 2021
Dr. John P. Gluck is being honored with PETA's Trailblazing Advocacy Award for being a shining example of ethics in science. The one-time animal experimenter, who studied with the infamous Harry Harlow, describes his own transformation from animal experimenter to a compassionate bioethicist committed to a cruelty-free...
Sep 8, 2021
When social media blew up regarding whether military dogs were left behind in the evacuation of Afghanistan, people sought PETA's help. PETA Sr. VP Daphna Nachminovich tells Emil Guillermo how PETA got a response from Central Command explaining that "no military dogs" were abandoned. But that still left 150 dogs of some...
Sep 1, 2021
GAP, the Global Animal Partnership, gives a "Humane Raised" Certification to meat products that can end up duping consumers, a PETA undercover investigation has exposed. At Plainville Farms, PETA video shows how animals are abused routinely. But the worst of it is how the farm sells the turkeys under GAP's "Humanely...