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Mar 25, 2020

If you want to put blame somewhere for the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, than don't ignore the live animal markets. China shutdown the Wuhan market in early March, but now PETA is petitioning the World Health Organization to shut down all live animal meat markets everywhere.

PETA Sr. VP Kathy Guillermo talks about how a...

Mar 17, 2020

The Coronavirus national emergency in the U.S. has one major animal rights silver lining. The race to a vaccine was sped along by skipping long required animal tests that are cruel and unnecessary. PETA--which has fought for more than 20 years to end regulatory animal testing--sees it clearly as a...

Mar 11, 2020

It's part two of our conversation with John Hargrove, the heralded orca trainer who blew the whistle at SeaWorld, and then went on to turn his story into a New York Times best seller, "Beneath the Surface."

In this podcast, Hargrove reveals how orca semen he collected may determine exactly how long SeaWorld stays in...

Mar 4, 2020

In this first of a two-part conversation, SeaWorld whistle blower John Hargrove, featured in the documentary, "Blackfish," and who told his story in his New York Times best seller "Beneath the Surface,"  reflects on how he became the moral voice for orcas in captivity. He discovered his passion on his first visit...